Kartice za učenje


Which of the following is on the largest peninsula?

The largest peninsula in the world is the Arabian Peninsula spread over 1,250,006 square miles.

The largest coral reef in the world is…

Stretching for 1,429 miles over an area of approximately 133,000 square miles, the Great Barrier Reef is the largest coral reef system in the world.

Which is the smallest country in the world?

The smallest sovereign country in the world is Vatican City with an area of 0.44 sqkm, followed by Monaco with an area of 2.02 sqkm.

African Plate, Eurasian Plate, Pacific Plate and others are all…

Geologists generally agree that the following tectonic plates currently exist on Earth's surface with roughly definable boundaries; African Plate, Antarctic Plate, Eurasian Plate, Indo-Australian Plate, North American Plate, South American Plate.

An area of special scenic, historical, or scientific importance, such as Yellowstone, is called a…

A national park is a protected area of special beauty which is preserved and where animals and plants can live without human interference.

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